Tuesday, September 9, 2014

About us

We are a group of five students attending the University of South Florida creating this blog to explore cultural diversity and unity in play. There are many ways that students here interact and learn from each other, whether it is at work or at play cultural diversity is everywhere. We want to explore the diverse ways people in America play in comparison to people from all over the world. We are going into this study very open minded and with a willingness to learn from various amounts of people. Using different geographic origins and demographics will play a key role in this study and help us to better understand the amount of games, sports, or activities people from around the world partake in and how they may compare to what our definition of "play" is here in America. Keep an eye out for any interesting you tube videos, links, or important articles that will be shared throughout the course! “We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.” -J.K. Rowling