Tuesday, December 2, 2014


My approach to the blog was to focus on what I already knew about unity in diversity and play. When I think of play obviously children come into mind, this is why I chose to write about the child's side of play and unity. I was attending college to become an Elementary school teacher, although I do like children I decided that here in Florida the money wasn't right for a lifelong career choice. Many of my assignments while taking courses within the teaching program focused on child's play and unity in the classroom. Helping children come together through play is detrimental at a young age and helps with acceptance and learning behaviors. Although I am a Public Relations major now I still believe that bringing people together to understand a specific strategy or plan will be important, maybe not through play necessarily but definitely through explanation, interactive and visual approaches. I had a great time working with Blogger for the first time and being able to create our own personal page! Please feel free to check it out more :)

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