Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Top 10 Branded Board Games and my experiences with board games

              Of the top 10 brand board games mentioned in the video clip I grew up playing Monopoly, Life, Battleship, Chutes and Ladders, and Scrabble. My favorite which I mentioned in a previous post was Monopoly because it was the most enjoyable for me. I remember playing these board games with my older sister and friends or with my family on rainy days or on Sunday afternoons. Chutes and Ladders I remember playing as a child in Mexico with my cousins because the game was also very popular over there. In elementary school  one time by fifth grade teacher had us play the game battleship as a way to understand the x and y axes of a graph and as a way to teach us how to plot coordinates.

              Overall, I think board games are very useful tools to enhance peoples' knowledge. Many of the games I grew up playing or play today are able to teach the players something useful for real life. From the game monopoly I learned about investment in property and taxes. From the game Life I learned about car investments, health insurance, and family expenses. Through the game Scrabble I improved my vocabulary and spelling. In essence all of these games have taught me something from a very young age and all of these lessons I have used now as an adult.


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