Friday, October 17, 2014

Diversity in Technology Game Development

Gamasutra - Race and racism in games: Dissecting tech's struggle with racial diversity

     Hi, my name is Morgan and my role on the blog to discuss
technology games and the diversity with in the games. I was doing
research online, and what I discovered was that there is a another world
that goes beyond just playing the games. I came across this article
that discussed some issues about diversity with the developers of the

     What I understood from the article is that there are
issues of gaming events, software developing companies, and certain
groups of people who feel inadequate when compared to the big time
software developers. When video game conventions are held the marketing
to a diverse crowd is not very strong. It is like if someone walks in to
a large group of people and announces pizza party, chances are not many
people will attend. On the contrary, if that same person walks around to
the groups of people and invites people personally, more people are
likely to show up.

      Similar issues are true about the
software developing companies and the people that may or may not work
for them. Most of these companies are not very diverse within their
employees, and for a few reasons. The people of different back grounds
feel intimidated and like they won't get hired because of not going to a
big time school, or maybe they don't know everything in the book, so
they don't even try.

     Without diversity in software
developers, the games themselves can lack diversity. As mentioned in the
articles there are some games that allow you to play both sides of the
story, but more games like it need to go on the market.

Diversity or lack of in some cases is interesting to read and think
about. With all the resources we have, why can diversity be so hard to
come by. 

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