Tuesday, October 21, 2014


As someone who had a Game Boy color this video was really amusing. The kids ranged in age from 6-13, and from all different backgrounds.The first Game Boy was released in Japan on April 21, 1989. Including the Game Boy Color, over 118 million would sell around the world. The Game Boy era started a trend that would allow gamers of all ages around the world, play the same games and have a common understanding of something the same.

When first given the Game Boy, the kids made comments like, "ohh ive seen this, its a iPhone case", and "you don't just buy apps for this?" The kids also said it was "a piece of junk", the game was boring", and they "felt sad for people in the past". When asked about if they would play with it many kids said not really and would rather have their iPad, iTouch,  and Nintendo DS .

The purple Game Boy Color was my first gaming device. I sure did love that thing, like many kids love their iPads, tablets and gaming consoles.

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