Monday, October 27, 2014

Technology Gaming and Why Some of Us Play Them!

So my last post about the kids reacting to Game Boys, made me realize that, wow I'm getting old, and kids seem to be grasping on to technology like its nothing. I grew up right during the boom of cell phones and their growing popularity, lap tops being new and exciting, and its amazing how far we have come with technology and the internet in 20 years.

In a way technology has brought us closer together and one way it has is through games. Computer games, online games, phone games, and gaming consoles, just to name some. I asked people what they thought about technology games and it was simple, people loved them.

I asked my 6 year old cousin why she liked playing games on her mom's phone and her response was, "I love playing games, and some of them help me with school. I can practice reading and math and play a game." When i asked my dad he said,"I just want to get to the next level in Candy Crush, and Angry Birds." I couldn't help but giggle to that answer.

For me, games give me a chance to unwind and take a break. When school and work duties are piling up, it helps to step back, regroup and for me, play a few games of solitaire on my phone. When I asked my peers at school about why they play games on their phones, or gaming consoles, I received a similar response. College can be fun and exciting, but stressful at the same time. When played in moderation, games played using technology can be fun, exciting, educational, and relaxing!

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