Thursday, November 20, 2014

Diversity in Play Field Guide: Language of Basketball Trash Talk

Language is one of the things that defines culture and how individuals in that society interact with each other.

"You can only go so far by being the nice guy or a pretty boy on the court. Sometimes you gotta be an asshole."- (I think it was Kevin Garnett).

When you're on the court what's as good as your game is your ability to trash talk or tune it out.

The majority three main racial groups seen out on the courts are: Black, White and Asian. Latinos sometimes are seen but they tend to be in a mixed group with

Hierarchy is usually defined by how good you are first and foremost.

Next it's by how loud you are. On the court Blacks tend to be on the louder side. Whites are around the middle. Asians are often passive.

Even here at USF, this becomes important when someone tries to call for the next game or claim a court. The louder you are or the bigger you are the better your negotiating status.

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