Sunday, November 23, 2014

Italian Card - SCOPA

              In my last post I talked about a board game called Keep It Cool which brought people from diverse backgrounds together in one table in a game. The purpose of our blog is to expose people to the diversity in play and to different games from other cultures. In this post I wanted to concentrated on exposing people to information about a game from another culture other. SCOPA, is a very traditional card game in Italian culture. While reading about this card game I thought it was very interesting to learn that this card game is so popular in the culture that most people in Italy has played this card game at least once in their life. This card game is a symbol of Italian culture and the deck of cards has  culture influenced images printed on them.
          Of what I learned the objective of the game is to get the highest number of points by capturing cards throughout the game which will calculate the number of points. The game can be played with 2-4 players or in two teams of two players.

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