Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Interactive games in school from my perspective

"It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge."-Albert Einstein

Throughout Elementary school I never really thought about what type of learner I was in school but as I got older I definitely started to realize what worked for me and what didn't work for me when it came to excelling. I am a visual learner and a hands on learner that likes to be involved in order to retain what I learn. In fourth grade my teacher's name was Mr. White at Meadowlane Elementary, I remember that man to this day because I remember so much great information from that class. You can learn just about anything but remembering what you learn to apply it to real life is when it counts! His teaching strategy was to be very interactive with students and create games that went with every lesson that we played each week. For example we played a game with the globe in order to learn states and capitals, we played a racing game with multiplication and division flash cards, also every Friday we had a little spelling bee in the classroom. The winners of the most games at the end of each week received candy of their personal choices no matter what it be, he would get it and reward us with it. My point is that in this class I learned all of my multiplication, division, spelling, and states and capitals; but not only did I learn them I actually remember all the information I was taught in fourth grade to this day because the positive impact of interactive games in the classroom.

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