Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Keep It Real Game: The Ideal Diversity Tool

         The mission of our blog states how play can unite people from various cultures and backgrounds. In my quest for finding a perfect example of a single board game that could unite people with different cultures I found this Keep It Real Game.  This diversity game manufactured by Trance4mation Games LLC is very interesting because it brings people from all ethnic background together in one game and it helps open the minds of the players to other perspectives and ideas. The video below shows college students playing the game and their experiences with the game. The questions asked in the board game are very culture based questions and they really spark conversation and sharing of ideas. Straight from the manufacture's webpage, some of the questions in the game are:

-What other culture fascinates you? Why?
-Why do you think there is racism?
-Do you feel comfortable in your own skin? Explain.
- Tell us about two of the best attributes of your race, and two of the worst attributes of your race.
- What percentage of people do you think judge others by the color of their skin?

         After watching this video and reading more about the game I really think that Keep It Real is more than just a simple board game, but rather it is a tool that unites people and changes perspectives. I would really like to play the game one day because I think it can be an eye opener. Below is the link to the game's official page where you can find more information.

keep it real

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